posted on Friday, October 20, 2006

Sky High: Rising Energy Costs and the Growing Demand for High-Performance Buildings

Is the answer to climate change somewhere between the basement and the penthouse? November 8th, 2006 Bellevue WA
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Puget Sound Energy

Podcast available

Big buildings have big appetites for energy, with massive potential to conserve it -- and even to produce their own renewable energy. Super-efficient buildings can cut costs and carbon, generating generous goodwill -- but can owners justify the price?

Technologies and brilliant ideas abound. Are "smart buildings" the next big software/networking play? Will the buildings of 2026 generate all their own energy from the sun or wind?

Join the MIT Enterprise Forum in Bellevue on November 8, 2006, for an exploration of the trends, players, policies and technologies that are shaping the energy-smart buildings of tomorrow.

Nik Blosser, President of Sustainable Industries Journal publisher Celilo Group

Ash Awad, VP Energy Services, McKinstry
Michael Brambley, Ph.D., Energy Sciences & Technology Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mark Weed, President, Egis Real Estate
Dave Williams, CEO, Shorebank Pacific

WHEN: Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - Social hour and registration begin at 5:00 pm. Dinner is served at 6:15 pm. Program starts at 7:00 pm.

WHERE: Hyatt Regency Bellevue Hotel - 900 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue, WA

HOW: Dinner and program early registration $48; $54 after Oct. 28; $60 at the door.

Reservations may be made as follows:
* Register online at until 5:00 p.m., November 7th.
* Phone registrations at (206) 283-9595 accepted until November 7th, noon.
* Onsite registrations accepted until 5:00 p.m. November 8th, space permitting.
* VISA, MasterCard and American Express are welcome.
* Companies or individuals may reserve a table of 10.