posted on Sunday, August 16, 2009

Social Media: It's Big

Our volunteer team organizing the September Dinner Forum has been talking about various aspects of Social Media, and through organizing the event and talking to potential panelists and moderators, we've come to realize what a broad topic "Social Media" truly is. Some interesting discussions have ensued:

Twitter...I Don't Get It
Social media and computing technology often doesn't make sense to certain consumer audiences. Those who do have an idea how these technologies should be used are often suprised by some of the creative uses (and misuses) of the technology that surface when rich collective intelligence coalesces around a tool or platform. How can lateral thinking about Social Media technology, and planning for innovation, provide business opportunities?

Business and Capability-Driven Decision Making for Technology
Most Web start-ups form around ideas generated by business leaders and thinkers who don't have technical backgrounds. If you have an idea for the next "killer app," what key business and capability strategies will help you make the best technology decisions, both to launch your idea and also to scale it for the longer term?

Engineering for Web 2.0: It's All About People
The social computing ecosystem thrives on vibrant participation and promotion from users. This user participation fosters collective intelligence, creates new ways of solving problems, and shapes connections between individuals. Because of this, many of the key challenges that businesses face in driving adoption and use of tools are "people" issues--human engineering--rather than technology issues. What are these people issues and what are the key strategies for managing and overcoming them?

By Irene Graham
Sept. Dinner Forum Link


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